December 15, 2022

Client Spotlight: Greg Kish and SoFi Stadium at Hollywood Park

Dana Bernardino

HQ: Inglewood, California | Employees: 2,000+

There’s no such thing as “unskilled” workers–Only untapped potential. 

That’s what we believe, here, at 1Huddle, and that’s what Greg Kish, Head of Revenue for SoFi Stadium at Hollywood Park, believes, too.

The people that we find and the people that we bring in, we don’t see a lot of “unskilled,” we see a lot of “untapped.” And [using] 1Huddle [gives us] the ability to really tap into [the] potential that they all have.

Located on the site of the former Hollywood Park racetrack, Hollywood Park is home to retail, commercial office space; a hotel, residential units, and outdoor parks. It’s a beautiful, sprawling mixed-use development–  and, in the center of its 298-acres, sits SoFi Stadium; the very first indoor-outdoor stadium, host venue of Super Bowl LVI and anchoring site of the 2028 Summer Olympics.

To say our friend Greg has his work cut for him would be a massive understatement– especially when it came to selecting the right kind of platform to keep his people fired-up and leveled-up.

Time and efficiency are major factors in any large organization, especially when, as he explained, “you have departments spread out all over the place.” 

He needed a single platform that could scale easily, was highly customizable; capable of answering the diverse training needs and concerns of multiple brands, all while creating consistency throughout the organizations as a whole.

For 1Huddle and Greg, it was love at first play. 

“It’s a platform that most people can utilize at a high level. Being able to customize it means we can really use our training and opportunities to drive home the message that we want to drive home to others.

In 1Huddle, Greg found a platform with  the capacity “to really affect change,” that all of their brands could “really utilize” to create “more sales, more revenue, more opportunity,” and more importantly,  “provides the users with a platform that allows you to really embed your message and really drive home what’s important.”

Watch Our Interview with Greg

What follows is a full transcript of our conversation, edited for length and clarity.

Full Transcript

Can you tell me a little bit about SoFi Stadium, Hollywood Park, and about the brand? 

Greg Kish: Hollywood Park is a 300 acre global entertainment city that we would consider a live, work, play environment. SoFi Stadium is the anchor of that in the 3 million square feet that you see behind us. There’s a lot I can talk about, but the level of technology and fan experience [that we deliver] is at the highest level across the world. 

What is something that’s exciting to you in the industry happening right now?

GK: Our goal here really is to bring the best and the brightest to Hollywood Park. We have the ability to really use our platform to invest in people. The best trend we’re seeing is by utilizing Hollywood Park [as a] global entertainment city, [we’re able to] bring some of the best and brightest internationals to come in and invest in us while we invest in them.

You’ve seen a lot of stuff on the market. Sales trainers, manuals, LMS. What made you go with 1Huddle back in the day? 

GK: Well, originally with 1Huddle, what I saw was the levels of simplicity of use coupled with the customization. When you combine those two, it creates a platform that most people can utilize at a high level. Being able to customize it really can use our training and opportunities to drive home with the message that we want to drive home to others. 

What’s your favorite part of 1Huddle? 

GK: My favorite part of 1Huddle is that it breeds confidence in people at a high level that really grows efficiency within any workforce. What I mean by that is the ability to actually drive home messages on a subconscious level to give people the opportunity to work more efficiently. 

If you were talking to someone about 1Huddle, how would you describe it in your own words? 

GK: 1Huddle allows propensity to really affect change and really utilize and show growth within your workforce, that breeds more sales, more revenue, more opportunity, and provides the users with a platform that allows you to really embed your message and really drive home what’s important. 

How would you describe working with the one huddle team?

GK: I would say it’s one of the best relationships I’ve had in any kind of what you would consider a vendor relationship. I would say from the top down, not only 1Huddle’s culture, but the buy-in and the genuine nature in which they operate really is second to none. 

As a person leading revenue at Hollywood Park, how do you look at a product like 1Huddle to help drive revenue and get you where you guys want to go?

GK: Being able to utilize 1Huddle is for the multifaceted area, like Hollywood Park, across all different types of departments, again, provides us the ability to make sure that we are instilling confidence within our people to be able to drive efficiencies. When you have departments spread out all over the place, you need to ensure that there’s levels of efficiency to ensure that you’re not taking the time to really have to break down certain instances that can drive business down.

The ability to utilize 1Huddle gives us the ability to look past some of those things and really start thinking about innovating at the next level. 

We’re seeing a lot in the news today about how workers are unskilled, [and are being treated like] they’re expendable. What do you have to say about that? 

GK: The people that we find and the people that we bring in, we don’t see a lot of “unskilled,” we see a lot of “untapped.” And utilizing opportunities like 1Huddle [gives us the] ability to really tap into some of [the] potential that they all have. It takes a lot of time and effort for people to really want to buy into their people. However, again, going back to the utilization of 1Huddle, there’s a way to do that in a more simplistic and customizable way to dive into each person’s individual skill to get the best out of each one. 

Crushed it, Greg! Mic drop.

About 1Huddle

1Huddle is a coaching and development platform that uses quick-burst mobile games to more quickly and effectively educate, elevate, and energize your workforce — from frontline to full-time.

With a mobile-first approach to preparing the modern worker, a mobile library of 3,000+ quick-burst employee skill games, an on-demand game marketplace that covers 16 unique workforce skill areas, and the option for personalized content, 1Huddle is changing the way organizations think about their training – from a one-time boring onboarding experience to a continuous motivational tool. 

Key clients include Loews Hotels, Novartis, Madison Square Garden, PIMCO, TAO Group, and the United States Air Force. To learn more about 1Huddle and its platform, please visit

Dana Bernardino, Manager of Digital Marketing at 1Huddle

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