Every worker – 1Huddle

At 1Huddle, we’re committed to fighting for equal opportunity, access and respect for all workers. This is why we have donated over $2 million in job training programs to our community.

The problem

Nobody likes an unfair game. Join 1Huddle as we call on leaders to take action to support our workers as Congress considers further legislation to address the pandemic’s impact on our workforce.

0 M
workers face a high risk of their job being automated
0 %
of recent college grads are unemployed or underemployed
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of Latinx workers and 54% of Black workers earn low wages
half-life of skills is only 5 years, meaning skills you have today will be worthless by the time you start your next job
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women dropped out of the workforce due to a lack of workplace flexibility
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of America’s inmates receive no job training while they are incarcerated
We’re All In

We are taking action.

We are fighting to build more diverse and inclusive workplaces. We believe that every worker who works hard deserves access to the job training, support and mentorship to win on the job.

Our Commitment

3 Ways We Are Investing In Our Community


1Huddle for Nonprofits

We have donated over $2 million in platform and services to our community of nonprofits, associations, and critically important programs.

Our Take Action Program

Every 1Huddle employee is offered a unique benefit that empowers them to gift a platform to a community initiative they believe in.

The 1% That Matters

At 1Huddle, we dedicate 1% of total working time to community and nonprofit work.

Join the Movement

Ready to join us?

Help 1Huddle power all workers by calling on Congress and the President to take immediate action and give all workers what they need most — a raise. See our outline of the key tenants of our plan to RAISE every worker.

Remove blockers.

Have you removed blockers that limit access to training and development opportunities?

Adopt a continuous program.

Has your organization adopted a continuous people development model based on the science of learning?

Invest in technology.

Are you leveraging technology that can reach all workers, especially those who are most vulnerable?

Support the community.

Are you supporting community workforce programs and partners in education?

Elevate managers.

Are you elevating managers into coaches?

Our Partners

We get to collaborate with the best partners, and we hope that includes you.

Saving Jane


Read our policy plan – RAISE – and sign our action letter to Congress.